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Wip/davean/safe st

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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Machine.Zlib
( gzipper
, gunzipper
( gunzipper
, WindowBits(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Machine
import Data.Machine.Stack
import Data.Streaming.Zlib
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Machine
import Data.Machine.Stack
import Data.Streaming.Zlib
unsafeM :: Monad n => IO a -> n a
unsafeM ma = pure . unsafePerformIO $! ma
handleRes :: Applicative m => PopperRes -> m (Maybe BS.ByteString)
handleRes PRDone = pure $ Nothing
handleRes (PRNext bs) = pure $ Just bs
handleRes (PRError e) = throw e
gunzipper :: forall m . (Monad m) => MachineT m (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString
gunzipper = construct $
go =<< (unsafeM $ initInflate (WindowBits 0)) -- Use what the header says.
gunzipper :: forall m . (MonadThrow m, PrimMonad m, Monad m) => MachineT m (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString
gunzipper = construct $ do
i <- doPrim $ initInflate (WindowBits 0)
start i
go :: Inflate -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
go inflate = do
bs <- awaits Pop <|> stop
popper <- unsafeM <$> unsafeM (feedInflate inflate bs)
exhaust (handleRes =<< popper)
complete <- unsafeM $ isCompleteInflate inflate
if complete
then void $ finish
else go'
go' :: PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
go' = do
bs <- awaits Pop <|> finish
popper <- unsafeM <$> unsafeM (feedInflate inflate bs)
exhaust (handleRes =<< popper)
complete <- unsafeM $ isCompleteInflate inflate
if complete
then void $ finish
else go'
finish :: PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m BS.ByteString
finish = do
r <- unsafeM $ finishInflate inflate
yield r
unused <- unsafeM $ getUnusedInflate inflate
awaits (Push unused)
gzipper :: forall m. Monad m => Int -> WindowBits -> ProcessT m BS.ByteString BS.ByteString
gzipper lvl wb = construct $
go =<< (unsafeM $ initDeflate lvl wb)
go :: Deflate -> PlanT (Is BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
go deflate = go'
doPrim :: IO a -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m a
doPrim = lift . unsafePrimToPrim
yield' :: BS.ByteString -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
yield' d = unless (BS.null d) $ yield d
push' :: BS.ByteString -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
push' d = unless (BS.null d) $ push d
-- This is all stupid. Its based on the exact behavior of the base API.
start :: Inflate -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
start i = go
go' :: PlanT (Is BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
go' = do
bs <- await <|> finish
popper <- unsafeM <$> unsafeM (feedDeflate deflate bs)
exhaust (handleRes =<< popper)
finish = do
let popper = unsafeM (finishDeflate deflate)
exhaust (handleRes =<< popper)
drain :: Popper -> PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
drain popper = do
md <- doPrim popper
case md of
PRNext d -> yield' d >> drain popper
PRDone -> do
-- This magic tries to detect if we've reached the end of a substream.
l <- doPrim (getUnusedInflate i)
if BS.null l
then go
else do
yield' =<< doPrim (flushInflate i)
push l
PRError e -> lift $ throwM e
getMore :: PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
getMore = drain =<< (doPrim . feedInflate i) =<< pop
allDone :: PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
allDone = do
yield' =<< doPrim (flushInflate i)
push' =<< doPrim (getUnusedInflate i)
go :: PlanT (Stack BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString m ()
go = getMore <|> allDone