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  • Kevin Cotrone's avatar
    Cleanup point encoding, separate example, add CI, cleanup (#1) · 562ad281
    Kevin Cotrone authored
    * Fix decode error calls, fix exp field, cleanup
    * Add flake lock
    * Add web push example subproject
    * Initial ci and test cleanup
    * Update ci to cache with cachix
    * Fix ci
    * enable driver outputs for ci
    * enable driver outputs for ci
    * start drivers in background
    * Wait and check for drivers to start before running tests
    * Test with added sleep
    * Check memory size
    * Debugging CI
    * Use environment variables for browser paths
    * Use binary locations, fix chrome location
    * Disable driver logs, disable firefox test
    * Add magic cache
    * Fix cleanup return result
    Cleanup point encoding, separate example, add CI, cleanup (#1)
    Kevin Cotrone authored
    * Fix decode error calls, fix exp field, cleanup
    * Add flake lock
    * Add web push example subproject
    * Initial ci and test cleanup
    * Update ci to cache with cachix
    * Fix ci
    * enable driver outputs for ci
    * enable driver outputs for ci
    * start drivers in background
    * Wait and check for drivers to start before running tests
    * Test with added sleep
    * Check memory size
    * Debugging CI
    * Use environment variables for browser paths
    * Use binary locations, fix chrome location
    * Disable driver logs, disable firefox test
    * Add magic cache
    * Fix cleanup return result